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Exam #2

Assignment Instructions

Your instructor will provide instructions for accessing the exam.


You must submit your completed file(s) through the CS101 Submit Assignments tool.

Exam Times

Exam #2 will go live Monday, May 5th at 8:00am ET and must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, May 7th. You will have 90 continuous minutes to complete the exam.

You will receive exam instructions in a MIX email on Sunday, May 4th

If you wish to reschedule an Exam because of a scheduled event or Day of Concern, you must notify your instructor at least one week prior to the day the exam begins. If you miss an Exam because of a personal, family, or medical emergency, you must notify your instructor within 48 hours of the scheduled start time to request a makeup exam.


This assignment is worth 200 points. A grading rubric is provided at the end of the assignment instructions.

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Associated Learning Objectives

This assignment covers the following course and unit learning objectives:

Number Learning Objective
C02 Design and construct databases to store, extract, and analyze scientific and real world data.
C04 Develop technical and scientific presentations which use charts and visual aids to share data.
C05 Identify, access, and evaluate information to solve real world problems.
C02.AC01 Design databases to store real world information.
C02.AC02 Create and manage databases and their data.
C02.AC03 Create and modify tables and associated relationships.
C02.AC04 Design and construct queries to extract needed information from a database.
C02.AC05 Use forms and reports to facilitate access to data.
C04.WP05 Create and manage presentations and their contents to share information.
C04.WP06 Apply formatting options to create a professional appearance for a presentation.
C04.WP07 Customize presentations by adding tables, rich media, and embedded objects to slides.
C05.AC06 Interpret and analyze database query results to perform calculations and answer questions.
C05.ED01 Locate and access data and resources necessary to solve problems.