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MyLab Extra Credit Project #4

Assignment Instructions

This assignment is accessible in MyLab IT. If you have not done so already, follow our registration instructions to register for MyLab IT.

Due Date

This assignment is due on Friday, May 2, 2025 at 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time. Late work will not be accepted.


This optional assignment is worth up to 15 extra credit points. A grading rubric is provided with the assignment instructions.

You may submit each MyLab Extra Credit Project multiple times. You will receive the grade from the highest-scoring attempt.

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Associated Learning Objectives

This assignment covers the following course and unit learning objectives:

Number Learning Objective
C04 Develop technical and scientific presentations which use charts and visual aids to share data.
C05 Identify, access, and evaluate information to solve real world problems.
C04.WP05 Create and manage presentations and their contents to share information.
C04.WP06 Apply formatting options to create a professional appearance for a presentation.
C04.WP07 Customize presentations by adding tables, rich media, and embedded objects to slides.
C05.ED01 Locate and access data and resources necessary to solve problems.