Learn the skills you need to succeed as a student and in the workforce while completing a GEF requirement.
Learn howHere's what's going on in CS101
Need a place to get help on your work or register for MyLab IT? The CS101 Learning Center (click for schedule) is for you! Drop-in hours are available Mondays through Thursdays in 219 Armstrong Hall on the Morgantown campus and by appointment on Zoom.
Grades for MyLab Lessons including Lesson C were posted to the CS101 gradebook on Tuesday, February 25. Students should have earned 112 points if all work was done on-time.
If you cannot view your grades because they are being held, it may be that you did not fully complete the Policy Acknowledgment Form or specified an incorrect WVU ID. Please contact your section instructor with any questions.
Have a Mac? Use Windows Virtual Desktop to access the Windows version of Microsoft Office applications including Access.
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