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Introduction To Course

Attached is a link to the zoom orietnation session from Spring 2025.  I have given much of this same information in my email from last week but wanted to mention a few things again. Here is the link to the video of the presentation:
Passcode: =ew?m1j*
As a reminder, this course is asynchronous so we will not meet in person but I will host weekly zoom office hours to assist you with any questions you may have. While these sessions are voluntary, I highly suggest you attend them when possible. Please announce yourself when you arrive so I know you are there. For this above video you will not need to be logged in but for future zoom meetings, you will need to make sure you sign in with your WVU Mix information. You can do this by visiting and logging in with your WVU credentials.

Getting Help

I cannot stress this enough, but if you need help, please reach out to me. This class involves a lot of assignments and it’s easy to fall behind if you don’t keep up with the material. In addition to that, the course material builds on itself, so as we progress through the semester, you will need to accumulate various skills from previously due projects to successfully complete the subsequent assignments.
I am available via email for help and via Zoom by appointment. You will use the Zoom Link on the right hand menu on our section site to log into Zoom. There are also Open Lab hours and you may also join Rebecca Tarabrella or Robert Phipps Zoom sessions as well.

Course Information

All information for our course will be found on the CS 101 website. Information for our section in particular, will be found on our section site: I highly suggest book marking this page. 
If you participate in Barnes and Noble’s First Day Complete, you can access your materials for CS101 by going into eCampus, selecting CS101, then choose Tools in the navigation for that class, then select “BNC Course Materials.” This will be the only time you will use eCampus.
You should review your MIX email account frequently for communication about this course. I will often send emails remind you what is due, and any information I feel you may need.  You will also be notified by your email when your grades are updated. You may also receive communication from our course coordinator, Dr. Brian Powell, regarding MyLab assignments and various others. I also prefer you utilize my email account instead of my MIX. This will help me respond to you faster. I do my best to respond within 24 hours but evenings, weekends, and holidays may have a longer delay. Start your assignments EARLY so you are not waiting until the night of an assignment to ask me for help. 
If you send me an email, please make your questions very clear in the email. Add a screen shot or upload a copy of your assignment to the email as well. This will help me best answer your question. 
I have added helpful information at the bottom of many assignments under the Assignment Notes. This is not on all assignments but on many. I normally email these during the week of the assignment but decided to add them to the assignments since all assignments are open now. All assignments have been released so you can work on them now. Keep in mind, I will not grade any assignments until after the due date. When you complete a homework assignment, you will see in the gradebook which questions you missed. I suggest reviewing this feedback and asking me if you are unclear about how to complete the task.


Here is some helpful information regarding each of the assignments you will complete for this course:


MyLab Lessons will help you prepare for upcoming participation projects. The Simulator has several options for you to use when you are unsure of how to complete the question. The Learning Aids option in the bottom right hand corner of the screen allows you to read Instructions, watch a video, or practice the steps. USE THIS TOOL! MyLabIT assignments are the only projects I can not assist you on, per the course syllabus.

If you are unable to complete all of the modules within the MyLab Lessons on time, you may receive up to 50% credit on them until May 2nd. Each assignment has multiple modules so make sure you are completing all modules in a Lesson and not just 1. The first MyLab Lesson is due January 22, 2025. If you have not purchased the book or signed up for the trial access, make sure you do with enough time to complete the first lesson. Registration instructors for MyLabIT can be found here: Our course ID is: powell50629. As a reminder, we do not use eCampus for this course, but you may need to visit eCampus to get your code for the MyLabIT if you purchased the book through the First Day Complete Program.
There are also 4 MyLab Extra Credit Projects available this semester. They are each worth 15 points for a total of 60 extra credit points. You may complete these at any time during the semester until May 2nd. These are lengthy projects but worth it for the extra points.

Participation Projects

There are 27 participation projects available on the assignments page. Only 20 projects need to be completed to receive full credit on the participation projects. I still HIGHLY suggest you complete all participation projects build upon themselves. If you complete the participation projects regularly, you should have no problem completing the homeworks. Everything that appears on a homework will be covered in a participation project BEFORE the homework is due.

You will need to make sure you have a copy of Microsoft Office on your computer or have access to a computer with Microsoft Office on it. You may also use the Windows Virtual Desktop to complete assignments. If you are a Mac user, you will need to use the Windows Virtual Desktop to complete access and many excel functions. I suggest using it all semester.
There are videos at the bottom of the participation projects page in the Help and Resources section. If you are struggling with a concept, these videos will help you complete the assignment r you may email me for help. The videos are pretty comprehensive. Participation Projects will be due on Thursdays at 11:59 pm except for the first project which is due Friday, January 16, at 11:59pm.


Homework 1 is due February 14th at 11:59 pm. Homeworks are due Fridays at 11:59 pm. You can submit homework assignments late for a 20% deduction each day it is late up to four days after the original due date. There is homework help on Homework Help Page: DO NOT turn in the homework help assignment as your homework assignment. You will not receive credit for it.


You will receive an email from me the day before the exam with instructions. The first exam is open between March 3 and March 4th. The final exam is open between May 5th and May 7th. If you do well on the Homework assignments, I’m sure you will do well on the Exams. There is also exam help on the exam assignments page including an exam practice.  There is exam help on the Exam Help Page:  


DO NOT CHEAT! Yes, you will be caught. It is very easy for me to determine who is cheating or using others materials. Do not turn in anyone else's documents. Do not allow anyone to utilize your documents. If individuals are found to be sharing documents, both individuals will receive a zero on the assignment, if not more sanctions. We take cheating VERY seriously. Homework Assignments and Exams are individual, not group, assignments. If you are found to be working in a group for Homework Assignments or Exams, you will receive a zero on the assignment, and possibly other sanctions. 

First Week

You should complete the following the first week:
  1. Watch my Zoom Orientation Video OR the Course Overview Video. You do not need to watch both. They are essentially the same information.
  2. Complete participation project #1. This is due January 16, 2025 at 11:59 pm. In the future, all participation projects will be due Thursday nights at 11:59 pm.
  3. Complete the CS101 Student Introduction for 10 points extra credit.
  4. Complete the Policy Acknowledgement Form before you will be able to view any grades this semester.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to this semester!