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Participation Project #19 - Access Forms

WV K-12 Education Problems

Assignment Instructions

Creating a Form

There are two ways to create a form. The first is through the Form tool and the second is through the Form Wizard. The easiest way to create a simple form is to click on the object you want to use in the form, then click the form tool.

In Access under the Create ribbon is a Form tool and Form Wizard.

Step 3A should be fairly straightforward as long as you highlight the Districts table first and then click the button that says “Form.” To change the field labels, go into Design View and edit the labels. Be careful that you’re editing the labels and not the fields themselves; the fields will be white and opaque, while the labels will be transparent.

Screnshot of the Step 3A access form in Design View showing the labels as transparent and the fields as white blocks of text.

The boxes on the left in the above image are the labels, while the ones on the right are the fields containing data. If you change the fields containing data, it won’t know what table to pull the data from and when you go back into the Form View, you’ll have #NAME?  instead of data. See below. If you see #Name?, you have changed the wrong label. 

Screenshot of Access form in design view showing the information in the Redestricting Cycle label was changed, not the name of the label, resulting in "#Name?" error.


Form Wizard

For question 4B, you’ll use the FormWizard. This particular question asks you to create a form with a subform. This is super-important: when creating a form with a subform, there has to be a relationship between the tables and you have to pull the information from two separate tables. If there isn’t a relationship or you aren’t including multiple tables, you won’t get an option for a subform when  you click through the screens.


You can choose the information and fields you want to include using the drop down menu in the wizard.

Form Wizard dialog box shows two columns for the selected table, available fields and selected fields. Items that you want to show in the form should be moved to the selected fields column.

In the image above, you can see that it’s giving you options for the fields in the Candidates table. Use the dropdown to change it from the Candidates table if you want to be able to choose fields from a different table. The double arrows (>>) will move all the fields from that table into the Selected Fields. If you click the single arrow (>) it will move them one at a time. You can move fields from the first table into the sheet, then change the table using the drop down menu and add more from that table as well. The easiest way to create a form with a subform is through the Form Wizard, although you can also do it using the Form tool as well.


Create your form by clicking on your main table, then go into Design View. In the Form Design menu that pops up, you’ll see the Subform/Subreport if you expand the Controls box.

Under the Form Design ribbon, you'll see a Controls Box. When expanding that controls box, you'll see a subform/subreport options which appears as a white rectangle with 4 smaller rectangles inside of it.

Assignment Files


You must submit your completed file(s) through the CS101 Submit Assignments tool.

Due Date

This assignment is due on Thursday, April 3, 2025. For on-campus sections, it is due by the end of class. For online sections, it is due by 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time. Late work will not be accepted.


This assignment is worth 8 points. A grading rubric is provided at the end of the assignment instructions. Over the entire semester, students must complete at least 20 Participation Projects to earn a maximum of 160 points.

Help & Resources


This video is also available on YouTube [1].

Associated Learning Objectives

This assignment covers the following course and unit learning objectives:

Number Learning Objective
C02 Design and construct databases to store, extract, and analyze scientific and real world data.
C05 Identify, access, and evaluate information to solve real world problems.
C02.AC02 Create and manage databases and their data.
C02.AC05 Use forms and reports to facilitate access to data.
C05.AC06 Interpret and analyze database query results to perform calculations and answer questions.
C05.ED01 Locate and access data and resources necessary to solve problems.


  1. B. M. Powell, Access: Forms Participation Project. West Virginia University, 2021. Available: