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Fall 2024 Semester

Course Information

Section Information


Section Number CRN Meeting Time Location
CS101-T01 CRN 80864 Asynchronous Online

Course Websites

Main Websites
Other Important Links

Contact Information

Instructor Contact Information

The best way to contact me is via email, please use your WVU MIX account and include your full name and section number.

Lisa McGee
E-mail Address:
B20 Stewart Hall (Morgantown, Downtown Campus)
Office Hours:
You may also wish to use my scheduling link or send me an email to find an alternative time.

Course Coordinator Contact Information

If you are unsatisfied with the response from your instructor, you may contact the Course Coordinator for assistance.

Brian M. Powell, PhD
Phone: (304) 293-6255
Offices: 205 Armstrong Hall and 259 Advanced Engineering Research Building
Office Hours: Please schedule an appointment through Calendly.

Course Description and Learning Objectives

Course Description

Computer Science 101 is designed to teach students how to use computer applications as effective tools for problem solving and data analysis. The course introduces four different Microsoft Office applications, with a primary focus on using Excel and Access to analyze and explore real world data. After completing the course, students will be competent users of the Microsoft Office suite and will have data analysis skills that will be useful in future classes and careers.

Prerequisites and Expected Skills

There are no course prerequisites for Computer Science 101.

Incoming students are expected to be familiar with using a Windows-based computer including managing files and extracting ZIP files. We also expect students to be comfortable with using a web browser, e-mail, and a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Previous experience with Microsoft Office is helpful.

General Education Curriculum

This course meets GEC Objectives 2C and 4.

General Education Foundations

This course is in GEF Area 2A: Science & Technology.

GEF Area LEAP Essential Learning Outcome Course Learning Outcome or Objective which Aligns with LEAP Outcome Assessment that will be used to Measure the Aligned Outcomes
GEF 2A: Science & Technology LEAP 2: Intellectual and Practical Skills - Quantitative Literacy

C01: Build spreadsheets to perform calculations, display data, conduct analysis, and explore what-if scenarios.

C02: Design and construct databases to store, extract, and analyze scientific and real world data.

C05: Identify, access, and evaluate information to solve real world problems.

 Homework #5

Course Learning Objectives

After completing Computer Science 101, students will be able to:

# Course Learning Objective Learning Activities
& Informal Assessments
Formal Assessments
C01 Build spreadsheets to perform calculations, display data, conduct analysis, and explore what-if scenarios.
  • Access: Database Design Participation Project
  • Excel: Charts Participation Project
  • Excel: Excel Basics Participation Project
  • Excel: Formatting Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions I Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions II Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions III Participation Project
  • Excel: PivotTables Participation Project
  • Excel: Solver Participation Project
  • Excel: Tables Participation Project
  • Excel: What-If Analysis Participation Project
  • MyLab Lesson A
  • MyLab Lesson B
  • Exam #1
  • Homework #1
  • Homework #2
  • Homework #5
  • MyLab Lesson A
  • MyLab Lesson B
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #1
C02 Design and construct databases to store, extract, and analyze scientific and real world data.
  • Access: Access Basics Participation Project
  • Access: Database Creation Participation Project
  • Access: Database Design Participation Project
  • Access: Fields & Keys Participation Project
  • Access: Forms Participation Project
  • Access: Queries I Participation Project
  • Access: Queries II Participation Project
  • Access: Queries III Participation Project
  • Access: Queries IV Participation Project
  • Access: Reports Participation Project
  • Access: SQL Participation Project
  • MyLab Lesson C
  • MyLab Lesson D
  • MyLab Lesson E
  • Exam #2
  • Homework #3
  • Homework #4
  • Homework #5
  • MyLab Lesson C
  • MyLab Lesson D
  • MyLab Lesson E
C03 Create scientific and technical documents incorporating equations, images, tables, and bibliographies.
  • Data Analysis: Online Scavenger Hunt Participation Project
  • Word: Layout & Pagination Participation Project
  • Word: References & Workflow Participation Project
  • Word: Styles & Illustrations Participation Project
  • MyLab Lesson F
  • MyLab Lesson G
  • Homework #5
  • MyLab Lesson F
  • MyLab  Lesson G
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #2
C04 Develop technical and scientific presentations which use charts and visual aids to share data.
  • PowerPoint: Layout & Formatting Participation Project
  • PowerPoint: Presentation Techniques Participation Project
  • MyLab Lesson G
  • Exam #2
  • Homework #5
  • MyLab Lesson G
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #3
C05 Identify, access, and evaluate information to solve real world problems.
  • Access: Access Basics Participation Project
  • Access: Database Creation Participation Project
  • Access: Database Design Participation Project
  • Access: Fields & Keys Participation Project
  • Access: Forms Participation Project
  • Access: Queries I Participation Project
  • Access: Queries II Participation Project
  • Access: Queries III Participation Project
  • Access: Queries IV Participation Project
  • Access: Reports Participation Project
  • Access: SQL Participation Project
  • Data Analysis: Online Scavenger Hunt Participation Project
  • Excel: Charts Participation Project
  • Excel: Excel Basics Participation Project
  • Excel: Formatting Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions I Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions II Participation Project
  • Excel: Formulas & Functions III Participation Project
  • Excel: PivotTables Participation Project
  • Excel: Solver Participation Project
  • Excel: Tables Participation Project
  • Excel: What-If Analysis Participation Project
  • PowerPoint: Layout & Formatting Participation Project
  • PowerPoint: Presentation Techniques Participation Project
  • Word: Layout & Pagination Participation Project
  • Word: References & Workflow Participation Project
  • Word: Styles & Illustrations Participation Project
  • Exam #1
  • Exam #2
  • Homework #1
  • Homework #2
  • Homework #3
  • Homework #4
  • Homework #5
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #1
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #2
  • MyLab Extra Credit Project #3

Course Organization

Computer Science 101 is organized into three units: Excel & Data Analysis, Access, and Word & PowerPoint. Each unit focuses on one or two of the Microsoft Office applications taught in the course and lasts approximately one-third of the semester. Units are further broken down into chapters corresponding with those used in the textbook and Supplemental Content.

Each unit includes a number of learning activities, informal assessments, and formal assessments:

Course Materials and Technology Requirements

Required Materials

Textbooks and MyLab IT

Textbook cover

MyITLab logo

Recommended Textbooks: Exploring Microsoft 365, 2021 editions for Excel, Access, Word, and PowerPoint
Published by Pearson
Excel ISBN: 978-0-13-760246-9
Access ISBN: 978-0-13-760250-6
Word ISBN: 978-0-13-760243-8
PowerPoint ISBN: 978-0-13-760247-6

The textbooks are invaluable for learning the skills required by the course. It is recommended that students read through their textbooks to learn about how Microsoft 365 is used and its features. The textbooks are also great references in case of problems with completing course assignments.

Required Software: MyLab IT for Exploring Microsoft 365, WVU Custom Edition
Published by Pearson
Must be purchased as part of one of the below bundles to obtain promotional pricing.

MyLab IT software provides a computer-based simulation environment for learning how to use Microsoft Office and to assess student knowledge of how to use Microsoft 365. It also provides support for automatically grading MyLab Extra Credit Projects assignments. MyLab IT simulations have a one-to-one mapping to Hands-On Exercises in the course textbooks.

Package Options

MyLab IT and the course textbooks must be purchased as part of a package. Unless you specifically want print copies of the textbooks, you should buy the Electronic Access Code.

Electronic Access Code with eTexts and MyLab IT

Direct Purchase from Publisher
ISBN 978-0-13-831053-0

Available online from Pearson: $79.00

First Day Complete
ISBN 978-0-13-824054-7

Available from Barnes & Noble through First Day Complete program

Bookstore Purchase (Opt-out from First Day Complete)
ISBN 978-0-13-831054-7
Available from Barnes & Noble Campus Bookstore

Purchasing from Pearson automatically provides access to MyLab IT and the eTexts.  The version sold at the bookstores is an access card for MyLab IT and the eTexts.


MyLab IT is required and must be purchased new for each student. MyLab IT and eText access are valid for 12 months.

Free 14-day temporary access to MyLab IT (not including the eText) is available from Pearson.

See the MyLab IT Registration Instructions page to learn how to register the software.

Microsoft 365 (formerly Microsoft Office)

Microsoft 365 logo

Microsoft 365 or Windows version of Microsoft Office 2019/2021 Professional/Pro Plus

These versions include Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.

Microsoft 365 for Mac does not include Access and lacks other features required for CS101 assignments. Students can use Windows Virtual Desktop to run Microsoft 365 for Windows from any Internet-connected computer including Macs.

WVU students can install a compatible version of Microsoft 365 for free on up to five computers. Learn more at the WVU Information Technology Services website. Microsoft 365 and all other CS101 software is installed in the CS101 Learning Center and the computers in the WVU Libraries.

Supplemental Content

Supplemental Content cover

Supplemental Content for Microsoft 365
Published by West Virginia University

This material is available as a free download on the Supplemental Content page.

This document is an addendum to the course textbooks. It contains information that students should read and understand on the skills covered by the course.

Computer Requirements

All of the required software is available on computers in the CS101 Learning Center and on WVU Libraries public computers. We strongly caution against students allowing others to use their computer or using others' computers to do their work as this often leads to academic integrity violations.

To use your own computer, you will need the following:

Additionally, you may wish to have the following items:

If you have a Mac, please be aware:

The CS101 website and Pearson eText are supported on Windows and Mac computers as well as iOS and Android mobile devices. A Windows or Mac computer must be used to complete MyLab Lessons. You cannot use a Chromebook to complete this course.

Please see the Technical Support page for information on how to get assistance if you have computer problems. If you are considering purchasing a new computer, WVU's recommendations are available here.

WVU Login Account

Your WVU Login account will be used to login to CS101 computers and websites. You must claim your WVU Login account before use. If you encounter problems with WVU Login, call ITS Help Desk at (304) 293-4444.

It is your responsibility to have a working WVU Login account. Failure to do so may keep you from completing required work and can impact your grade.

Materials Purpose and Usage

Computer Science 101 uses a variety of materials to help teach the course subject matter.

Readings from the Exploring Microsoft 365 textbooks and Supplemental Content are strongly recommended and beneficial. While the content covered here is generally also taught in MyLab Lessons, reading the textbook and Supplemental Content will provide an additional way of understanding the material. The textbook will also be helpful in case you encounter difficulty completing MyLab Lessons questions as there is a one-to-one mapping between the MyLab questions and Hands-On Exercises in the textbook.

The MyLab Lessons are an excellent way to learn the skills covered by this course. These computer-based training exercises and their learning aids will guide you through the process of completing tasks in Microsoft Office.

Other instructional materials used with the course are marked if they are required, recommended, or optional.

Course Grades and Assignments

Grade Components

Course grades are based on the following required assignments:

Total Required Points     1,000
Assignment Number Points Each Total Points
Homeworks 5 60 300
MyLab Lessons
(7 Lessons, each with a variable number of questions)
190 correct questions 1 190
Participation Projects 20 8 160
Exam #1 1 150 150
Exam #2 1 200 200

Additionally, students can earn up to 70 points in extra credit:

Possible Extra Credit Points     70
Optional Assignment Number Points Each Total Points
Student Introduction Extra Credit 1 10 10
MyLab Extra Credit Projects 4 15 60

Final Grades

The following letter grade scale will be used in issuing final grades for students electing the letter grade option:

Letter Grade Total Points Earned
A 900 or more
B 800-899
C 700-799
D 600-699
F 599 or fewer

Incomplete grades are issued extremely rarely, only in the case of severe family or medical emergencies. Significant documentation is required.



Homeworks are formal assessments designed to provide students with an opportunity apply the skills they have learned in the course in solving real world problems. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions.

These assignments are available on your instructor's Assignments page. Homeworks are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. A penalty of 20% per calendar day will be deducted from late work. During Summer semesters, Homework #5 may not be accepted late.

Only one submission will be graded for each Homework. In the event of multiple submissions from a student, instructors will grade the most recent complete submission received at the time they begin grading.

Extensions for Homework due dates are at the instructor's discretion and will generally only be granted in the case of an personal or family emergency or severe illness. All requests must be made within a timely manner, preferably prior to the assignment due date and under no circumstances more than 48 hours after the assignment was due.


Exams are formal assessments designed to measure student learning of the objectives and skills required in this course. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions.

Exams are closed book, closed notes, and closed Internet. The only allowed outside resource is the built-in Microsoft Help system. The use of cameras, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, or other communications devices is prohibited. Talking or communicating with others is also prohibited.

These are assignments are available at a URL provided by the instructor. Students will have 50 continuous minutes each for Exam #1 and 90 continuous minutes for Exam #2. Exams must be completed in one sitting. If students arrive late, leave early, or miss the Exam entirely, any lost time if forfeited. Students in in-person sections must take their exam in-class at the scheduled time, or if they have an accessibility accommodation, in the OAS Testing Center. Students in online sections may self-proctor their exams.

Students are responsible for having access to a computer with the Windows version of Microsoft Office and a reliable Internet connection to complete their exams.

If you wish to reschedule an Exam because of a schedule conflict, scheduled event, or Day of Concern, you must notify your instructor at least one week prior to the day the exam begins. If you miss an Exam because of a personal, family, or medical emergency, you must notify your instructor within 48 hours of the scheduled start time to request a makeup exam. Documentation may be required. Other requests for makeup exams will generally not be accepted.

All rescheduled or makeup exams are at the instructor’s discretion. They must be completed within 4 weekdays of the scheduled exam day (Exam #1) or at the announced makeup session (Exam #2).

Aside from cases where there was an instructor-approved makeup exam, exam submissions will not be accepted after the exam deadline. Students are responsible for ensuring their exam was correctly submitted prior to the deadline.

MyLab Lessons

MyLab Lessons are computer-based simulations of Microsoft Office. Each Lesson consists of multiple modules, each containing one or more simulation questions. In total, approximately 218 questions are available across 7 Lessons.

MyLab Lessons are computer-based learning activities designed to teach students how to use Microsoft Office as required by this course. They are automatically graded by the MyLab IT software with credit being given for the highest-scoring attempt for each modules. Credit of 1 point is awarded for each on-time successfully completed question. Students are required to successfully complete at least 190 questions during the semester to receive full credit.

These assignments are available in MyLab IT. Students must complete all modules available for each Lesson. MyLab Lessons are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. Late work is accepted for 50% credit until the listed MyLab Lessons Late Submission Deadline. Grades for late MyLab Lessons work may not be appealed.

Extensions for MyLab Lessons due dates are at the instructor's discretion and will generally only be granted in the case of an personal or family emergency or severe illness. All requests must be made within a timely manner, preferably prior to the assignment due date and under no circumstances more than 48 hours after the assignment was due.

Students are responsible for setting their Student ID in MyLab IT as shown in our instructions. Students with incorrectly set Student IDs may not receive credit for MyLab Lessons if the issue is not corrected by the MyLab Late Submission Deadline.

Simultaneously launching the same assignment in multiple browser windows is not supported and may result in loss of credit for the assignment.

MyLab Extra Credit Projects

MyLab Extra Credit Projects are optional formal assessments of student knowledge that can be completed for bonus credit. They are computer-graded based on a rubric included with their instructions. Students may submit each assignment multiple times and will receive bonus credit for the highest-scoring attempt. Projects must be submitted through and computer-graded by MyLab IT to receive credit.

These assignments are available in MyLab IT. MyLab Extra Credit Projects are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. Late submissions will not be accepted and extensions will not be granted for any reason. Grades for MyLab Extra Credit Projects may not be appealed.

Students are responsible for setting their Student ID in MyLab IT as shown in our instructions. Students with incorrectly set Student IDs may not receive credit for MyLab Extra Credit Projects if the issue is not corrected by the MyLab Late Submission Deadline.

Students scoring at least 90% on each individual MyLab Extra Credit Project will receive a Credly badge from Pearson for that particular Microsoft 365 application. This may allow students to purchase discounted vouchers to take the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams.

Participation Projects

Participation Projects are learning activities and informal assessments that provide students with opportunities to practice the skills taught in the course. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions. Students are required to successfully complete at least 20 Participation Projects during the semester to receive full credit.

These assignments are available on your instructor's Assignments page. For online sections, Participation Projects are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. For in-person sections, projects must be completed in-class and submitted by the end of class to receive credit.

Late submissions of Participation Projects will not be accepted. Participation Projects may only be made-up in the case of university-sanctioned absences, and in those cases, arrangements for making up the work must be made with the instructor prior to the time the assignment is due.

Instructors may revoke credit for Participation Projects if, in their sole determination, the student was not making a good faith effort to participate in the class and complete the assignment.

Students may be assigned into groups of 3 to 4 students to conduct peer evaluations of each others' Participation Projects. Peer evaluations are to be conducted on at least 3 projects of each group's choosing during the semester. Students should provide copies of their completed files to their group members for the projects on which peer evaluations will be conducted. Peer evaluations are to be completed using a rubric included at the end of each Participation Project's instructions. Peer evaluators should evaluate the student's overall performance on the project and note any errors they find in the student's work. Evaluations should be completed and provided to the student being evaluated within 10 calendar days of when the Participation Project being evaluated was due.

Due Dates

CS101 is not a self-paced course. Homeworks, Exams, MyLab Lessons, and MyLab Extra Credit Projects are due on the dates shown below.

Participation Projects are due as listed on each instructor's Assignments page.

Due Date Assignment    
Friday, August 30, 2024 Student Introduction Extra Credit Due    
Saturday, August 31, 2024 MyLab Lesson A    
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 MyLab Lesson B    
Friday, September 20, 2024 Homework #1    
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 MyLab Lesson C    
Friday, September 27, 2024 Homework #2    
Monday, October 7, 2024 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Exam #1    
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 MyLab Lesson D    
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 MyLab Lesson E    
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 MyLab Lesson F    
Friday, November 8, 2024 Homework #3    
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 MyLab Lesson G    
Friday, November 22, 2024 Homework #4    
Thursday, December 12, 2024 MyLab Extra Credit Projects #1, #2, #3, and #4    
Thursday, December 12, 2024 MyLab Lessons Late Submission Deadline    
Friday, December 13, 2024 Homework #5    
Monday, December 16, 2024 to Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Exam #2    

Participation Projects due dates are not listed on the above schedule as they are not announced in advance. A listing of previous Participation Projects is on your instructor's Assignments page.

Schedules showing the content being taught each week are posted on your instructor’s website.

Grading and Feedback

Grades and detailed feedback are posted to the CS101 View Grades page. Students should review grades as soon as they are posted. Grades may be appealed within 7 calendar days of when they are posted by contacting your instructor. After this time, grades are final. All grades for MyLab Extra Credit Projects and late MyLab Lessons work are final and may not be appealed.

Grades and feedback for Homeworks and Exams will generally be posted within 10 class days of when the assignments were due. Official grades for MyLab Lessons and MyLab Extra Credit Projects will generally be posted to the CS101 View Grades page within 7 calendar days of when the assignments are due, although MyLab IT's evaluations and unofficial grades will be available in MyLab IT immediately after the assignments are completed. Participation Projects grades will be updated at least once per unit.

Technical Problems and On-Time Completion

Students are responsible for completing and submitting their assignments on-time, regardless of any problems they encounter. Extensions will not be provided because of technical problems. Start your work early.

To reduce the likelihood of problems, students are encouraged to use the CS101 Learning Center or a WVU-maintained computer to complete their work.

If you encounter problems in completing your work, please immediately notify your instructor. You should also contact Pearson Tech Support for MyLab IT issues. Notifying your instructor does not absolve you of the requirement to complete your assignments on-time.

Accessing Assignments

Homeworks and Participation Projects will be posted on each instructor’s website. Instructions for accessing Exams will be provided at the time of the test.

MyLab Lessons and MyLab Extra Credit Projects are available in MyLab IT.

Submitting Assignments

Homeworks, Exams, and Participation Projects are submitted through the Submit Assignments tool. Participation Projects for in-person sections must be submitted from a CS101 lab computer.

MyLab Lessons modules are automatically submitted when the entire module is complete. They can also be manually submitted from within the simulation.

MyLab Extra Credit Projects must be submitted from within MyLab IT. Students have two attempts for each MyLab Extra Credit Project. Credit will be given for the highest scoring attempt.

Assignments must be fully submitted under the correct assignment to receive credit. Students are responsible for ensuring their correct work was successfully submitted. All applicable late penalties will be applied for late submissions or submissions of missing work.

Work Retention

Students must retain copies of all submitted Homeworks and MyLab Extra Credit Projects. Online students must also retain copies of their submitted Participation Projects. Files must be secured so that nobody else is able to access them.

Academic Integrity

The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, the instructor will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course.

For all assignments except Participation Projects, students must work independently by themselves. Sharing of files is not permitted for any reason. Unless otherwise instructed, students must start working from a new blank file for each assignment.

For Participation Projects only, instructors may authorize groups of students to work together. Sharing of files is only permitted within the group.

CS101 strongly discourages students from allowing others to use their computers or from using other students' computers to complete their work. There are a number of academic integrity violations each semester where one student took another's files because they were easily accessible. If a student does not have their own computer, we suggest using a computer in the CS101 Learning Center or in the WVU Libraries where security protections are in place to prevent one person from accessing another's work.


Examples of academic integrity violations include but are not limited to:


A range of penalties is possible for academic integrity violations. The Office of Academic Integrity will be notified of all suspected academic integrity violations, which will be noted in your WVU record. Their office determines penalties, but at a minimum, students can expect to lose all credit for the assignment in question and be assigned additional educational sanctions. Subsequent violations generally result in harsher penalties. Suspension, expulsion, fines, and fees may be levied. Honors College policy to disassociate from honors students who have been found responsible for a violation.

Students with academic integrity violations are not eligible for any extra credit, including the MyLab Extra Credit Projects.

Additional information on WVU’s academic integrity policy is available in the West Virginia University Academic Catalog. If you have any questions about this policy or if an activity is allowed, it is your responsibility to check with your instructor beforehand.

This academic integrity policy continues to be in force even after you complete Computer Science 101. Post-completion penalties may be enforced through modifications to the final grade recorded on your transcript.

Policy Acknowledgment Form

All students must complete the online Policy Acknowledgment Form to receive credit for their work. Credit may not be granted for work due prior to when this form is completed.

Course Policies

Attendance and Engagement

For in-person and synchronous online students, regular attendance is important to learn the material covered in CS101. You are responsible for any work or content missed if you do not attend class. While not directly a component of your grade, attendance is tracked for in-person and synchronous online sections. Students must sign-in during class to record attendance.

For asynchronous online students, regular engagement is important to learn the material covered in CS101. You are responsible for checking the course website and your e-mail regularly, and for completing any readings, activities, or assignments assigned by your instructor. We do not directly grade or have any requirements for student engagement interaction beyond completing the required assignments (Homeworks, Participation Projects, MyLab Lessons, and Exams).

Course Communication

The CS101 websites and your MIX e-mail account are the primary means through which we distribute information. It is your responsibility to check them daily.

When e-mailing your instructor, please be sure to identify your name, your course section, and clearly explain your question or concern. To ensure you are easily understood, please write in standard English.

Your instructor generally will respond to e-mails within 48 hours. While you may frequently receive same-day responses, they are not guaranteed and should not be expected. Please plan accordingly so you do not miss deadlines.

Expected Conduct and Etiquette

When in class or the CS101 Learning Center, please:

When using online aspects of the course or sending e-mails:


The above actions disturb other students and are disrespectful to course staff. Violations may result removal from the classroom, the CS101 Learning Center, or course activities. They also may result in credit for in-class Participation Projects being revoked.

Please also be aware of and comply with the CS101 Academic Integrity Policy and the WVU Campus Student Code.

Adverse Weather and Cancellations

On rare occasions, CS101 classes or the CS101 Learning Center may be cancelled. If this occurs, notice will be provided via MIX e-mail, the CS101 website, and/or social media.

In the event of inclement or threatening weather, everyone should use their best judgment regarding travel to and from campus. Safety should be the main concern. If you cannot get to class or an exam because of adverse weather conditions, you should contact your instructor as soon as possible.

Similarly, if your instructor is unable to reach the class location, they will notify you of any cancellation or change as soon as possible using MIX e-mail and the CS101 website to prevent you from embarking on any unnecessary travel. CS101 will make accommodations as appropriate on days where class or exams are cancelled or there are inclement weather conditions.

Time and Workload Expectation

The workload for this course (assignments, studying, etc.) is commensurate with a 4-credit course. This requires a commitment on your part to obtain good grades. Consider scheduling time each week for CS101 to ensure you complete your assignments on-time.


Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and WVU policy, students have a right to the privacy of their academic information. A FERPA release must be on file with the course before we can release information on a student’s performance to third parties. Granting access to the Parent/Guest Portal or signing a general waiver is not sufficient to allow the release of course information.

Please be aware that usage of course computers, the course website, and other course systems may be monitored.

This course uses resources provided by third parties.  Their privacy policies are available below:


The West Virginia University community is committed to creating and fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and inclusion.

Student Resources

CS101 Learning Center

If you need assistance or a place to work, you may join the CS101 Learning Center via Zoom or visit its Morgantown location in Armstrong Hall. A schedule of hours is available.

Learning Center staff will help answer your questions. They will not do your work for you. You must make a reasonable attempt at completing your work before asking for assistance. You may be refused assistance if the staff believes you are misusing the Learning Center. Staff generally do not provide assistance on MyLab Lessons or MyLab Extra Credit Projects.

The CS101 Learning Center gets very busy near assignment due dates. Please come early in the week if you require assistance. Otherwise, you may have to wait for help.

Student Services

Commonly used WVU student services include:

Technical Support

Please see our Technical Support page information on available assistance.


Accessibility Accommodations

If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise your instructor and make appropriate arrangements with the Office of Accessibility Services at (304) 293‑6700. For more information on West Virginia University's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, please see the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.

If you are authorized for and wish to receive accommodations for an exam, you must notify your instructor at least one week in advance to receive them. Any exams that are administered in the CS101 Learning Center due to accessibility accommodations must be taken during the same calendar week (Monday-Friday) as the regular exam date. Students are responsible for allowing themselves sufficient time to complete the exam prior to the scheduled closing time.

Technology Accessibility

The CS101 website and course-developed materials are design to comply with the WVU Accessibility for Online Course Content guidelines and WebAIM's web content accessibility guidelines.

CS101 uses third-party tools. Their accessibility statements are available below: