Course Information
Section Information
Section Number | CRN | Meeting Time | Location |
CSEE 490-401 | CRN 15064 | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center |
CSEE 490-402 | CRN 15065 | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center |
CSEE 490-403 | CRN 15066 | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center |
CSEE 490-009 | CRN 16251 | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center | Meet as scheduled for CS101 Learning Center |
Course Websites
Main Websites
Contact Information
Course Coordinator Contact Information
If you are unsatisfied with the response from your instructor, you may contact the Course Coordinator for assistance.
Brian M. Powell, PhD
Phone: (304) 293-6255
Offices: 205 Armstrong Hall and 259 Advanced Engineering Research Building
Office Hours: Please schedule an appointment on Calendly.
Course Description and Learning Objectives
Course Description
Computer Science 490 is designed to teach students how they can assist others in learning Computer Science-related course material by assisting in course lectures and Learning Center environments. The course also serves to reinforce the skills taught in CS101.
Prerequisites and Expected Skills
Proctors must have completed CS101 or have equivalent skills as determined by the Course Coordinator. Enrollment is by permission of the Course Coordinator.
Proctors are expected to be familiar with the material taught in CS101.
General Education Curriculum and General Education Foundations
This course does not meet any GEC Objectives or GEF Foundations.
Course Learning Objectives
After completing Computer Science 490, students will be able to:
Number | Course Learning Objective | Learning Activities & Informal Assessments |
Formal Assessments |
CA01 | Demonstrate how to use spreadsheet, database, word processing, and presentation applications to display data, conduct analysis, and explore what-if scenarios. |
No formal assessments |
Course Organization
Computer Science 490 is organized into a single semester-long unit. There are no formal structured learning activities, informal assessments, or formal assessments.
Course Materials and Technology Requirements
Computer Requirements
All of the required software is available on computers in the CS101 Learning Center and on WVU Libraries public computers. We strongly caution against students allowing others to use their computer or using others' computers to do their work as this often leads to academic integrity violations.
To use your own computer, you will need the following:
- Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 or Mac OS X 10.15 or newer
- Microsoft Office 2019/2021 Professional/Pro Plus or Microsoft 365
- Current version of Google Chrome (preferred), Mozilla Firefox (preferred), Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari
- Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer
- A reliable high-speed Internet connection
- Web camera with built-in microphone, or web camera with a separate microphone
- If you have a Mac, please be aware:
- Microsoft 365 for Mac contains only Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. There is no version of Access available for macOS.
- Microsoft 365 for Mac lacks the features required to complete many assignments.
- A free virtual machine to run Microsoft Windows 10 and the Windows version of Microsoft 365 on a Mac is available.
The CS101/CS490 website and Pearson eText are supported on Windows and Mac computers as well as iOS and Android mobile devices.
WVU Login Account
Your WVU Login account will be used to login to CS101 computers and websites. You must claim your WVU Login account before use. If you encounter problems with WVU Login, call ITS Help Desk at (304) 293-4444.
It is your responsibility to have a working WVU Login account. Failure to do so may keep you from completing required work and can impact your grade.
Materials Purpose and Usage
No course materials are required specifically for Computer Science 490.
Course Grades and Assignments
Credit Hours
The number of CS490 credit hours proctors receive depends on how many hours they work. Students can mix and match these tasks to earn up to 3 credit hours per semester:
Mix-and-Match Tasks | Additional CS490 Credit Hours Earned |
Assist 1 on-campus course section | +1 credit hour |
Assist 2 on-campus course sections | +2 credit hours |
Assist 2 hours per week in the CS101 Learning Center | +1 credit hour |
Assist 4 hours per week in the CS101 Learning Center | +2 credit hours |
Assist 6 hours per week in the CS101 Learning Center | +3 credit hours |
While the Course Coordinator is the instructor of record for CS490, the CS101 section instructors teaching the sections proctors are assigned to or working in the CS101 Learning Center with the proctors are responsible for providing day-to-day supervision of proctors. Feedback from the supervising will be used in determining grades for each proctor.
Proctors are expected to assist students in-class and in the CS101 Learning Center as needed. Good proctors should be self-starters who respond to student requests for assistance without prompting from the supervising instructor.
In-class proctors are expected to assist the instructor as requested. Common duties include providing students with one-on-one assistance, running the instructor computer, circulating through the room to assist students, and monitoring exams. Instructors and proctors should work together to determine how the proctor’s skills can best be utilized.
Learning Center proctors assist students who have questions with CS101 assignments or other course material. Since there are slow periods in the CS101 Learning Center, proctors are encouraged to bring their own work when they are not needed to help students. Proctors should remain attentive in case their assistance is required.
All proctors will be expected to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement of the course. Special projects may also be assigned.
Proctors are expected to consistently attend all scheduled class times or CS101 Learning Center shifts. Proctors are responsible for contacting their supervising instructor, preferably in advance, in the case of an unavoidable absence.
Final Grades
Final grades are based on feedback provided by supervising instructors based on the following rubric:
Final Grade | Requirements |
A | Proctor always attended scheduled times or notified supervising instructor if there was an unavoidable absence. Proctor was familiar with the course material, almost always able to effectively assist students, and was capable of working unsupervised. |
B | Proctor regularly attended scheduled times or notified supervising instructor if there was an unavoidable absence. Proctor was generally familiar with the course material, was able to effectively assist students in most cases, and was capable of working with minimal supervision. |
C | Proctor had several unexcused absences. Proctor was often familiar with the course material, able to effectively assist students in many cases, but required regular supervision. |
D | Proctor had many unexcused absences. Proctor was sometimes familiar with the course material, but only able to effectively assist students in some cases and required significant supervision. |
F | Proctor was absent more than half the time. Proctor was rarely familiar with the course material, infrequently able to effectively assist students, and required significant supervision. |
Proctors electing to receive a pass/fail grade must complete at least the requirements for the D level to earn a P (passing) grade.
There are no formal assignments in Computer Science 490.
Academic Integrity
The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, the instructor will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course.
Examples of academic integrity violations include but are not limited to:
- Inappropriate use of CS101 or CS490 resources including but not limited to homework and exam projects, answers, solution files, proprietary information, and facilities.
- Assisting a CS101 student in violating that course’s academic integrity policy.
- Making fraudulent or dishonest statements regarding your work.
A range of penalties is possible for academic integrity violations. The Office of Academic Integrity will be notified of all suspected academic integrity violations, which will be noted in your WVU record. Their office determines penalties, but at a minimum, students can expect to lose all credit for the assignment in question and be assigned additional educational sanctions. Subsequent violations generally result in harsher penalties. Suspension, expulsion, fines, and fees may be levied. Honors College policy to disassociate from honors students who have been found responsible for a violation.
Additional information on WVU’s academic integrity policy is available in the West Virginia University Academic Catalog. If you have any questions about this policy or if an activity is allowed, it is your responsibility to check with your instructor beforehand.
This academic integrity policy continues to be in force even after you complete Computer Science 490. Post-completion penalties may be enforced through modifications to the final grade recorded on your transcript.
Course Policies
Attendance and Engagement
Regular attendance and participation by proctors is critical to the success of CS490. Proctors are expected to attend every scheduled class session or CS101 Learning Center shift.
In the event that a proctor cannot attend a scheduled shift, they are responsible for notifying their supervising instructor, preferably in advance.
If proctors have multiple absences, it may be necessary for them to work additional time to make-up. Excessive unexcused absences may impact a proctor’s grade.
Course Communication
The CS101 websites, eCampus, and your MIX e-mail account are the primary means through which we distribute information. It is your responsibility to check them daily.
When e-mailing your supervising instructor or the Course Coordinator, please be sure to identify your name, your course section, and clearly explain your question or concern. To ensure you are easily understood, please write in standard English.
Your instructor generally will respond to e-mails within 48 hours. While you may frequently receive same-day responses, they are not guaranteed and should not be expected. Please plan accordingly so you do not miss deadlines.
Expected Conduct and Etiquette
When in class or the CS101 Learning Center, please:
- Be attentive. Do not use lab computers for non-course work if there are students needing assistance.
- Do not be late to arrive or early to leave.
- Do not be disruptive to others.
- Do not eat, drink, chew gum, use chewing tobacco or read newspapers.
- Do not use cell phones. Set them to vibrate or turn them off to avoid interrupting others.
- Avoid damaging equipment and furniture.
- Do not leave computers logged in and unattended. You are responsible for any actions taken in your user account.
When using online aspects of the course or sending e-mails:
- Send e-mail from your MIX account only.
- Use a descriptive subject line. Don't reply to a previous unrelated message.
- List your name and section.
- Write in clear, concise sentences so you can easily be understood.
- Be specific. If you're writing about Homework #3, specifically say "Homework #3" in your message.
- Do not type in ALL CAPS as this is interpreted as shouting.
- Avoid dominating the conversation if in a group setting.
- Refrain from inappropriate or derogatory language or gestures.
- Abstain from personal attacks.
- Keep your grades private. It is inappropriate to discuss them in a public forum.
- Act in a professional, courteous manner.
The above actions disturb other students and are disrespectful to course staff. Violations removal from the classroom, Open Lab, or course activities.
Please also be aware of and comply with the CS490 Academic Integrity Policy and the WVU Campus Student Code.
Adverse Weather and Cancellations
On rare occasions, CS101 classes or the CS101 Learning Center may be cancelled. If this occurs, notice will be provided via MIX e-mail, the CS101 website, eCampus, and/or social media.
In the event of inclement or threatening weather, everyone should use their best judgment regarding travel to and from campus. Safety should be the main concern. If you cannot get to class or an exam because of adverse weather conditions, you should contact your supervising instructor as soon as possible.
Similarly, if your supervising instructor is unable to reach the class location, they will notify you of any cancellation or change as soon as possible using MIX e-mail and the CS101 website or eCampus to prevent you from embarking on any unnecessary travel. CS490 will make accommodations as appropriate on days where class or exams are cancelled or there are inclement weather conditions.
Time and Workload Expectation
In addition to the scheduled time spent with course sections or in the CS101 Learning Center, proctors will have a small additional time commitment to read course materials and prepare for class. In general, this should not be more than one to two hours per week.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and WVU policy, students have a right to the privacy of their academic information. A FERPA release must be on file with the course before we can release information on a student’s performance to third parties. Granting access to the Parent/Guest Portal or signing a general waiver is not sufficient to allow the release of course information.
Please be aware that usage of course computers, the course website, and other course systems may be monitored.
This course uses resources provided by third parties. Their privacy policies are available below:
The West Virginia University community is committed to creating and fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and inclusion.
Student Resources
Student Services
Commonly used WVU student services include:
- WVU Student Support Services
- WVU Libraries
- WVU Academic Catalog
- WVU Educational Software Licensing
- WVU Computer Security
- WVU Accessibility Services
- WVU Portal
- WVU Students Gateway
Technical Support
Please see our Technical Support page information on available assistance.
Accessibility Accommodations
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise your instructor and make appropriate arrangements with the Office of Accessibility Services at (304) 293‑6700. For more information on West Virginia University's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, please see the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.
Technology Accessibility
The CS101 and CS490 websites and course-developed materials are design to comply with the WVU accessibility guidelines and WebAIM's web content accessibility guidelines.
CS101 and CS490 use third-party tools. Their accessibility statements are available below: