All of the required software is available on computers in the CS101 Learning Center and on WVU Libraries public computers. We strongly caution against students allowing others to use their computer or using others' computers to do their work as this often leads to academic integrity violations.
To use your own computer, you will need the following:
- Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 or Mac OS X 10.15 or newer
- Microsoft Office 2019/2021 Professional/Pro Plus or Microsoft 365
- Current version of Google Chrome (preferred), Mozilla Firefox (preferred), Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari
- Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer
- A reliable high-speed Internet connection
- Web camera with built-in microphone, or web camera with a separate microphone
- If you have a Mac, please be aware:
- Microsoft 365 for Mac contains only Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. There is no version of Access available for macOS.
- Microsoft 365 for Mac lacks the features required to complete many assignments.
- A free virtual machine to run Microsoft Windows 10 and the Windows version of Microsoft 365 on a Mac is available.
The CS101/CS490 website and Pearson eText are supported on Windows and Mac computers as well as iOS and Android mobile devices.
WVU Login Account
Your WVU Login account will be used to login to CS101 computers and websites. You must claim your WVU Login account before use. If you encounter problems with WVU Login, call ITS Help Desk at (304) 293-4444.
It is your responsibility to have a working WVU Login account. Failure to do so may keep you from completing required work and can impact your grade.