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Frequently Asked Questions

The username and password for MyLabsPlus from my Math course isn't working for MyLab IT.

Many WVU Math courses uses MyLabsPlus, another product by Pearson. Accounts from MyLabsPlus are not real Pearson accounts and cannot be used with MyITLab. You will need to create a new Pearson account when registering for MyLab IT if you don't have one from another non-Math course already.

I'm not receiving a password recovery e-mail from Pearson.

As explained in this Pearson support document, if you have only a MyLabsPlus account (like from a Math course) and not an actual Pearson account, you may not receive a password recovery e-mail when using the Forgot Password tool in MyLab IT.

Can I have the same assignment open in multiple browser windows?

No. Having the same MyLab assignment open simultaneously in multiple browser windows or on multiple computers is not supported and will result in loss of credit for the assignment.

Why am I unable to launch my assignment?

MyLab IT assignments launch in a pop-up window. If nothing happens when you click on the link for an assignment, check to be sure your browser's pop-up blocker hasn't blocked the window. See this Pearson support document for how to allow MyLab IT pop-up windows.

Why can't I submit my MyLab Extra Credit Project for grading?

After you choose the file you want to submit in the dialog box, you must click the Upload button first under the Step 3 heading before you can click the Submit for Grading button. See the instructions for completing MyLab Extra Credit Projects for more information.

Can I use a Mac for MyLab IT?

Yes. MyLab IT works on Macs and is compatible with the Mac versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. See our list of keyboard shortcuts for differences between Macs and Windows. 

What are Lessons and Extra Credit Projects?

MyLab Lessons are simulations of Microsoft Office that run in your browser. The assignments are designed to teach you how to perform tasks and then assess if you are able to complete them successfully on your own. You are graded based on how many questions you complete correctly. Each Lesson contains several modules, each approximately corresponding to one day of class. You must complete each module in each Lesson.

MyLab Extra Credit Projects are optional projects you complete in the real Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint applications and then submit to MyLab IT. The projects are automatically graded by MyLab IT. CS101 awards bonus points based on the score MyLab IT assigns.

Where can I work on MyLab IT?

MyLab IT works in any modern web browser on Windows and Mac including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari. Be sure to use a computer with reliable high speed Internet access. If you need a computer to use for your work, you can come to Open Lab or use the WVU Libraries.

I can't get this question to work. What's wrong?

MyLab Lessons are designed to accept the most common ways of completing a task. If you're trying to complete a task in an unusual manner, MyLab IT may not recognize what you're doing. Clicking the Reset button and starting again can sometimes get you back on track.

There are a small number of questions for which we are aware of issues that can cause problems in certain specific circumstances. Please check our Known Lesson Issues page to see if your question is on the list and how you can work around the problem.

How can I get additional help to complete questions?

If you're working on a Lesson, you can click the Learning Aids button near the directions to read the textbook, watch a video of the question being performed, or get guided assistance as you practice how to complete the task.

Learning Aids screenshot

Each question in the MyLab Lessons has a corresponding Hands-On Exercise step in your textbook. You can find the corresponding section in your textbook by looking at the step number. The first two characters (e.g., "WD", "XL") are the application. The step number can be divided into three parts: {Chapter}.{Hands-On Exercise}.{Exercise Step}. Thus, AC Step 1.2.3 refers to Access Chapter 1, Hands-On Exercise 2, Exercise Step 3. The name in the textbook should match the name on the question. The textbook example will be similar to your MyLab question.

How many questions are in each Lesson?

Each Lesson contains multiple modules, each with a varying number of questions.

Approximately 216 questions are available over the entire semester. Students must correctly complete at least 190 questions.

Total Required 190 190  
Lesson Approximate Questions Approximate Points Possible Running Points Total
MyLab Lesson A 54 54 54
MyLab Lesson B 33 33 87
MyLab Lesson C 25 25 112
MyLab Lesson D 13 13 125
MyLab Lesson E 23 23 148
MyLab Lesson F 36 36 184
MyLab Lesson G 32 32 190+

Can I begin a Lesson module and return to it later?

Yes. MyLab IT allows you to save an attempt to return later. Choose the Save button when you want to be able to return to an attempt later.

Once you click the Submit button, your attempt is final and cannot be restarted. If you saved an attempt for later, you must return and submit it to receive credit.

Save for Later screenshot

Was my work successfully submitted?

After you submit a Lessons assignment, the page where it is linked from will be updated with your score. You can also check using the instructions on the View Grades and Submissions page.

If the assignment is listed as "Not Started," you have not attempted that module yet. Modules are shown as "In Progress" if you have started them but haven't submitted them yet. You must submit your assignment to receive credit for them.

We can only grade work that has been successfully submitted. If you completed work but it does not show as submitted, contact your instructor immediately.

Why can't I access my CS101 course in MyLab IT?

If you can't see your CS101 course when you login to MyLab IT, be sure you logged in with the correct Pearson account. When a student can't see a MyLab IT section they have enrolled in, it is normally because the course is associated with a different Pearson account.

If you used the 14-day temporary access option to register for MyLab IT, you will not be able to access your course after the 14 days have elapsed. Your work will remain saved. If you need to go back into MyLab IT, you will need to purchase an access code. See this Pearson support document for instructions. 

What happens when my 14-day temporary access expires?

If you used the 14-day temporary access option to register for MyLab IT, you will not be able to access your course after the 14 days have elapsed. Your work will remain saved. If you need to go back into MyLab IT, you will need to purchase an access code. See this Pearson support document for instructions. 

How can I find out what I did wrong?

As you complete the MyLab Lessons, the system tracks every click you make.  Your actions are compared against a list of pre-programmed acceptable ways of completing a task.

To view what you did wrong and what MyLab IT considers to be the correct ways to complete a task, follow the instructions on the View Grades and Submissions page.

Where can I check my grades?

MyLab grades are processed periodically throughout the semester, generally shortly after each Lesson is due. You can see your calculated grade on the CS101 View Grades page.


Why is there a zero in the CS101 gradebook for MyLab?

There are comments attached to each MyLab grade in the CS101 Gradebook that explain how and when your grade was calculated. If you completed work prior to the cut-off time listed in the comment, you likely didn't specify a correct Student ID in MyITLab. You must set the Student ID in MyLab IT to your WVU ID number (700 or 800 number without dashes; e.g., 800123456) so that your work can be graded.

If you do not set your Student ID correctly, you may receive no credit for MyLab Lessons and MyLab Bonus Projects. Please see the Setting Student IDs page for instructions on how to fix your ID. Be aware that your grades will not become available until CS101 processes them next.

How are my grades determined?

MyLab Lessons grades are based on the number of questions you correctly answered and if they were completed on-time. You must submit the assignment for each module to receive credit for that module.

MyLab Extra Credit Project grades are based on how well you complete each project.