Welcome to the website for CS101 Section 701. This is an online course section for students enrolled at the WVU main campus in Morgantown.
You should plan to check your MIX e-mail account and visit this webpage daily to remain up-to-date on important information in the course.
New to the course?
Get started with Computer Science 101 by visiting the Start Here page. Learn out about your instructor on the Instructor Welcome & Contact Information page.
Homework #3 Available
HW #3 is now available. Since this is the first Access assignment and most people find Access to be the most difficult part of this course, I strongly advise starting on it early.
Using a Mac
If you own a Mac, you have two methods to use for completing assignments in this course:
1. Windows Virtual Desktop: Using this method, there is nothing to install locally but you must have reliable internet access while you use it. Details about this are available from this page. This is the easier/preferred method to use for most students.
2. Downloading/installing a virtual machine: This allows you to run Windows and Office to do your assignments in this class. Please see this Help Page for more details.
Assignment Availability
Assignments in this class will be configured well ahead of time to give you plenty of time to work on them. I encourage working ahead!
- MyLab required and bonus assignments are all available from the first day of class. Due dates are available on the assignments page as well as our Section Schedule.
- Homework assignments will be made available about two weeks before they are due. Due dates will be available on the assignments page as well as our Section Schedule. Note these assignment all have a Help video associated with them, to make working through the assignment easier.
- Participation Projects will be made available about 5-7 days before they are due, sometimes longer than this. Due dates will be available on the assignments page. Note these assignment all have a Help video associated with them, to make working through the assignment much easier. Due dates are not shown on the section schedule.
- Each of our three exams will be available only on the days they are shown on our Section Schedule, however, each will have an exam review video published about a week before the exam.
Grade Availability
You can expect to look for your grades according to these guidelines:
- I generally grade HW assignments and Exams within three days after the due date. You should see your grades and feedback posted by then.
- I will update Participation grades usually after two or three have been due. I don't give feedback on these, you will just see your grade adjusted if you did the assignment(s).
- MyLab grades are computed automatically. The course coordinator will import these into the CS101 gradebook periodically throughout the semester, usually after each assignment is due, if we have data available from the MyLab team.
- Grades and detailed feedback are posted to the CS101 View Grades page. You should review grades as soon as they are posted. Grades may be appealed within 7 calendar days of when they are posted, except for any assignments at the very end of the semester. After this time, grades are final. All grades for MyLab Bonus Projects are final and may not be appealed.