Welcome to Computer Science 101! We look forward to working with you this semester as we learn how to use Microsoft Office and how it can be used to support data analysis and problem solving.
It will be very important for you to be self-motivated and disciplined to ensure that you stay on top of your CS101 work. CS101 is a 4-credit hour course and has the workload similar to other 4-credit courses like Calculus. While you will not be in the classroom for 4 hours a week, it's a good idea to set aside time just like if you were. We suggest planning for at least 5 hours per week on this course, although your individual needs may vary. If you have a question about the course, please contact me. My email address is scott.warden@mail.wvu.edu, and I try to respond within 24 hours.
To learn and master the content, we have selected the Exploring Microsoft Office 2016 as your textbook. To give you practice with the material, we will give you 23 Participation Projects that will be due as the semester progresses. To both allow you to practice and be evaluated in a practical manner with the material, we have selected Pearson's MyLab IT software. Additionally, you will be assigned 6 Homeworks, and 3 Exams.
Please visit the Start Here page for information on how to get started and find all of the course components.
About Your Instructor
My name is Scott Warden. I'm 45 years old and I've been teaching CS101 as an online course since 2004, after teaching it on-campus as a master's student for two years. I have a bachelor's degree from Concord University in Mathematics and Computer Science, and a master's degree from West Virginia University in Computer Science. In addition to teaching CS101, I work as a database specialist and systems administrator for a government contractor.
I live in Bridgeport with my wife, two kids and two crazy cats. In my spare time I'm mainly into sports, lifting weights, cars and spending time with friends & family. Feel free to look me up on Facebook, it's about the only social media I use.
I tend to be straight-forward about everything. I am also very "by the book" with regards to guidelines in this course. We're all adults here, the course has clear and consistent expectations of everyone. If you're keeping up with the course, abiding by the rules and being responsible, you should find this course to be rewarding and an enjoyable experience.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email (scott.warden@mail.wvu.edu). This will be our only form of communication. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Contact Information
The best way to contact me is via email, please use your WVU MIX account and include your full name.
Scott Warden |
E-mail Address:
scott.warden@mail.wvu.edu |