Homeworks are formal assessments designed to provide students with an opportunity apply the skills they have learned in the course in solving real world problems. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions.
These assignments are available on your instructor's Assignments page. Homeworks are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. A penalty of 20% per calendar day will be deducted from late work. During Summer semesters, Homework #5 may not be accepted late.
Only one submission will be graded for each Homework. In the event of multiple submissions from a student, instructors will grade the most recent complete submission received at the time they begin grading.
Extensions for Homework due dates are at the instructor's discretion and will generally only be granted in the case of an personal or family emergency or severe illness. All requests must be made within a timely manner, preferably prior to the assignment due date and under no circumstances more than 48 hours after the assignment was due.
Exams are formal assessments designed to measure student learning of the objectives and skills required in this course. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions.
Exams are closed book, closed notes, and closed Internet. The only allowed outside resource is the built-in Microsoft Help system. The use of cameras, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, or other communications devices is prohibited. Talking or communicating with others is also prohibited.
These are assignments are available at a URL provided by the instructor. Students will have 50 continuous minutes each for Exam #1 and 90 continuous minutes for Exam #2. Exams must be completed in one sitting. If students arrive late, leave early, or miss the Exam entirely, any lost time if forfeited. Students in in-person sections must take their exam in-class at the scheduled time, or if they have an accessibility accommodation, in the OAS Testing Center. Students in online sections may self-proctor their exams.
Students are responsible for having access to a computer with the Windows version of Microsoft Office and a reliable Internet connection to complete their exams.
If you wish to reschedule an Exam because of a schedule conflict, scheduled event, or Day of Concern, you must notify your instructor at least one week prior to the day the exam begins. If you miss an Exam because of a personal, family, or medical emergency, you must notify your instructor within 48 hours of the scheduled start time to request a makeup exam. Documentation may be required. Other requests for makeup exams will generally not be accepted.
All rescheduled or makeup exams are at the instructor’s discretion. They must be completed within 4 weekdays of the scheduled exam day (Exam #1) or at the announced makeup session (Exam #2).
Aside from cases where there was an instructor-approved makeup exam, exam submissions will not be accepted after the exam deadline. Students are responsible for ensuring their exam was correctly submitted prior to the deadline.
MyLab Lessons
MyLab Lessons are computer-based simulations of Microsoft Office. Each Lesson consists of multiple modules, each containing one or more simulation questions. In total, approximately 216 questions are available across 7 Lessons.
MyLab Lessons are computer-based learning activities designed to teach students how to use Microsoft Office as required by this course. They are automatically graded by the MyLab IT software with credit being given for the highest-scoring attempt for each modules. Credit of 1 point is awarded for each on-time successfully completed question. Students are required to successfully complete at least 190 questions during the semester to receive full credit.
These assignments are available in MyLab IT. Students must complete all modules available for each Lesson. MyLab Lessons are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. Late work is accepted for 50% credit until the listed MyLab Lessons Late Submission Deadline. Grades for late MyLab Lessons work may not be appealed.
Extensions for MyLab Lessons due dates are at the instructor's discretion and will generally only be granted in the case of an personal or family emergency or severe illness. All requests must be made within a timely manner, preferably prior to the assignment due date and under no circumstances more than 48 hours after the assignment was due.
Students are responsible for setting their Student ID in MyLab IT as shown in our instructions. Students with incorrectly set Student IDs may not receive credit for MyLab Lessons if the issue is not corrected by the MyLab Late Submission Deadline.
Simultaneously launching the same assignment in multiple browser windows is not supported and may result in loss of credit for the assignment.
MyLab Extra Credit Projects
MyLab Extra Credit Projects are optional formal assessments of student knowledge that can be completed for bonus credit. They are computer-graded based on a rubric included with their instructions. Students may submit each assignment multiple times and will receive bonus credit for the highest-scoring attempt. Projects must be submitted through and computer-graded by MyLab IT to receive credit.
These assignments are available in MyLab IT. MyLab Extra Credit Projects are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. Late submissions will not be accepted and extensions will not be granted for any reason. Grades for MyLab Extra Credit Projects may not be appealed.
Students are responsible for setting their Student ID in MyLab IT as shown in our instructions. Students with incorrectly set Student IDs may not receive credit for MyLab Extra Credit Projects if the issue is not corrected by the MyLab Late Submission Deadline.
Students scoring at least 90% on each individual MyLab Extra Credit Project will receive a Credly badge from Pearson for that particular Microsoft 365 application. This may allow students to purchase discounted vouchers to take the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams.
Participation Projects
Participation Projects are learning activities and informal assessments that provide students with opportunities to practice the skills taught in the course. They are graded based on a rubric included at the end of their instructions. Students are required to successfully complete at least 20 Participation Projects during the semester to receive full credit.
These assignments are available on your instructor's Assignments page. For online sections, Participation Projects are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time on the listed due date. For in-person sections, projects must be completed in-class and submitted by the end of class to receive credit.
Late submissions of Participation Projects will not be accepted. Participation Projects may only be made-up in the case of university-sanctioned absences, and in those cases, arrangements for making up the work must be made with the instructor prior to the time the assignment is due.
Instructors may revoke credit for Participation Projects if, in their sole determination, the student was not making a good faith effort to participate in the class and complete the assignment.
Students may be assigned into groups of 3 to 4 students to conduct peer evaluations of each others' Participation Projects. Peer evaluations are to be conducted on at least 3 projects of each group's choosing during the semester. Students should provide copies of their completed files to their group members for the projects on which peer evaluations will be conducted. Peer evaluations are to be completed using a rubric included at the end of each Participation Project's instructions. Peer evaluators should evaluate the student's overall performance on the project and note any errors they find in the student's work. Evaluations should be completed and provided to the student being evaluated within 10 calendar days of when the Participation Project being evaluated was due.